10004 (WSAEINTR) interrupted system call 10009 (WSAEBADF) bad file number 10013 (WSAEACCES) permission denied 10014 (WSAEFAULT) bad address 10022 (WSAEINVAL) invalid argument 10024 (WSAEMFILE) no more file descriptors available 10035 (WSAEWOULDBLOCK) operation would block 10036 (WSAEINPROGRESS) a blocking Windows Sockets call is in progress 10037 (WSAEALREADY) asynchronous routine already cancelled 10038 (WSAENOTSOCK) descriptor is not a socket 10039 (WSAEDESTADDRREQ) destination address is required 10040 (WSAEMSGSIZE) datagram too large to fit in buffer 10041 (WSAEPROTOTYPE) specified protocol is the wrong type for this socket 10042 (WSAENOPROTOOPT) option is unknown or unsupported 10043 (WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT) specified protocol is not supported 10044 (WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT) specified socket type is not supported 10045 (WSAEOPNOTSUPP) option is not supported 10046 (WSAEPFNOSUPPORT) protocol family is not supported 10047 (WSAEAFNOSUPPORT) address family is not supported 10048 (WSAEADDRINUSE) address is already in use 10049 (WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL) address is not available 10050 (WSAENETDOWN) network subsystem has failed 10051 (WSAENETUNREACH) network is unreachable 10052 (WSAENETRESET) connection must be reset 10053 (WSAECONNABORTED) connection aborted 10054 (WSAECONNRESET) connection reset 10055 (WSAENOBUFS) no buffer space available 10056 (WSAEISCONN) socket is already connected 10057 (WSAENOTCONN) socket is not connected 10058 (WSAESHUTDOWN) socket has been shutdown 10059 (WSAETOOMANYREFS) too many references 10060 (WSAETIMEDOUT) timedout 10061 (WSAECONNREFUSED) connection refused 10062 (WSAELOOP) timer expired 10063 (WSAENAMETOOLONG) out of streams resources 10064 (WSAEHOSTDOWN) host is down 10065 (WSAEHOSTUNREACH) host is unreachable 10091 (WSASYSNOTREADY) network subsystem is not ready for network communication 10092 (WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED) Windows Sockets version is not supported 10093 (WSANOTINITIALISED) Windows Sockets not initialized 11001 (WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND) authoritative answer Host not found 11002 (WSATRY_AGAIN) non-authoritative host not found or SERVERFAIL 11003 (WSANO_RECOVERY) non recoverable errors 11004 (WSANO_DATA) no data record of requested type